Friday, September 27, 2019


Springing up
in the salt-whipped grasses
they come as a shock

rain rolling off
their red wax caps

they are pressed out
suddenly into light, statements
easily missed

Others rise straight out of sand
strange and surprising yet
blending with the drift

as if any startle hits only
the sleepwalkers unaware
that wonder is normal here

Expected or not
they free themselves anyway
out of the dark, signalling

threaded roots, a mystery
that must unfold
and have its say

Friday, September 6, 2019


Every sound is wind
beating my ears
whipping across waves
rattling through grasses.
The sandhills are staggered
between screens of rain
pushing in from the sea.
Rocked by gusts
I sway through
clinging berries and battered
seed heads. The rainclouds

are thrust inland
and sun breaks into the gaps
shining the marram.
The great westerly blow
overpowers each stalk
tough and sharp
laying them in one sheet
of supple ripples.
Gulls struggle seaward
moored in the sky
then loosen and coast
surrendering. I turn

to the sun, it warms
my face, lets shadows
flit across my feet
returns my own shadow
to me, anchored,
a fair weather friend
but welcome.

Ainsdale  6th September

Evening Reflections

I am very happy to be able to share some poetry by Malcolm Terry who came to the Symbols in the Sand event. These are haiku Malcolm wrote on the walk, and to me they truly capture the essence of the landscape that evening. When I read them I'm back there. They also demonstrate beautifully how much can be conveyed in very few words. Thank you Malcolm.

If you would like to share  any of your poetry inspired by the Sefton Dunes, please send it to and I will post it here.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Seeing in a new light

Over the next few weeks I will be setting off on some more  poetry walks. These are scheduled so that people can join me if they wish (and take place alongside impromptu ones that happen when an opportunity arises!)  If you would like to come along, all you will need is a notebook and pen. There will be no plan, we will just be exploring the landscape and seeing what inspiration it brings and considering some ways of capturing it in writing. I believe poetry is for everyone, so it doesn't matter if you love writing already, or have only thought about it. 
You can let me know you're planning to join me by emailing me on so I know to look out for you, or you can just turn up. Be prepared for any weather as my intention is to engage with the coast through the changing seasons.
Poetry is a way of seeing, so even if you are familiar with the dunes you might be surprised how writing can bring new perspectives. If the landscape is new to you, you are in for a treat!

Here are the dates and times of the next three poetry walks:

  • Friday 6th September starting from Ainsdale Discovery Centre at 9.30am
  • Tuesday 24th September starting from Lifeboat Road car park at 6.00pm
  • Sunday 6th October starting from Birkdale Beach car park, Weld Road, at 2.00pm

Thanks to the explorers

I would like to say a warm thank you to those who joined me on the Symbols in the Sand walk. A wet day had turned into a dry, bright evening and as we walked and talked, the light, shadows , and atmosphere of the coast continually changed. We captured our experiences using a variety of poetic forms, and explored writing as a way of connecting with the senses and with place using the advice of Jean Cocteau who said, “The poet does not invent. He listens.” We also looked at how making a poem can fuse our internal and external worlds.Thank you also to Fiona and Andrew who shared their deep knowledge about the dunes and their passion for protecting it.