Sunday, January 31, 2021

Denise takes us to the Wild West

© North West Coastal Monitoring Programme

In last Monday's workshop, Fiona and Andrew showed us some fascinating images of the dunes from various times and perspectives. We let our imaginations loose on one of these, letting it take us where it wanted to go; we went to space stations, dragon's lairs, and the wild west.  Thanks to Denise for sharing both memory and imagination . . .

An Ariel shot through fresh eyes

When I was writing the next piece  it took me back years when I was a child and watching a TV series ‘Wagon Train’  with my dad I can’t get the theme  tune out of my head:

(Roll along) Wagon Train

Then the Indian Scouts would look down from above, you knew when the rest of the tribe was coming when you saw smoke signals.

You hear the rumble of the horses as they come galloping over the horizon, the scream from the Cheyenne’s when they attack the wagon train.

The wagon train always goes into a circle so that they can defend from all-sides. As if that would stop the Cheyenne’s who would jump over the barricade of Wagons.

Then in the distance you would hear the sound of a bugle from the cavalry as they come to save the day. To the cheer from the cowboys as the Cheyenne’s turn tail and galloped away.

by Denise Melia


A poem from Ian

Life On The Beach

Shadows of dogs
Reflections of logs
In the pools on the sand
Shells coloured in bands
Rigs and brine
Twigs and twine
Float over the sea
Their ripples spread closer to me

by Ian Homewood

It was inspiring to listen to Ian read his poem out in the workshop, and hear how it came into being. It started as a list, then rhythm and rhyme emerged. It's a great example of how poetry doesn't come by thinking about it. Let words get onto the paper and see what happens!

Poems from Ken and Natalie


At last Monday's workshop we enjoyed meeting the characters in this photo of Ainsdale Beach from the 1950s. We had no idea who the children in the photo are (it's an image from a web page found here) but look how they come to life through the wonderful words below . . . 

Our family outing and granddad on the camera. 

Shouting action instead of smile, chaos breaks out. 

All wanted ice cream and sitting still was not an option. 

Granddad, “I wish they would invent a movie camera for us to use”. 

Mum shouts, “Time for tea” and off we trot, 

A great day out on Ainsdale dunes.

by Ken Lowe

Tumble down the dunes, fastest to the beach

Sand in hair and clothes, between toes

Laughter fills the air, the sea still so far out of reach!

by Natalie

Writing Together

It was wonderful to be part of an evening gathering on Monday 25th January. We may have each been on our own homes, meeting on Zoom, but we were united in our fascination with the dunes and in our wish to be inspired and to get creative. 

The event was part one of a three week course of Gems in the Dunes creative writing workshops. We are gathering together to learn more about the beautiful Sefton Coast from Fiona and Andrew, and to bring the place to life through our imaginations and our words.

The next few posts will be creative contributions generously shared by writers at the workshop . . . (I can't wait to see what week two brings) . . .