Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Letting it fall onto the page

You can come here thinking
you’re on your own
and will find nothing
except the unwanted, a plastic cup,
a bag of dog dirt flung on a pristine sandbank
You can feel you shouldn’t be here
if you come across 
a shirtless man sunbathing.
These things may prompt you to walk faster, deeper
into the dunes, away
yet still without direction.
You don’t know where you are
and at this point you could realise
it’s not a question of finding
but of losing.
The magpie helps with this
watching with a knowing eye
carrying nothing.
He slows you down
as you follow his cryptic route from post to post
Slowing, you see
damp white flowers, grass of parnassus, red clover,
a dragonfly,
another, hear
a flock of little birds curving over the marram
into the low grey green 
then up in a ribbon across the blue.
This is when you might have to remind yourself to breathe
and notice what has fallen away - 
hopes and doubts
They were only cluttering 
a space which is already full
of everything you could want with you

Have you ever felt the sea call?
It has a calling voice 
It pulls 
through the brambles that reach 
across the sand paths
through the buckthorn
pumped up with berries
Gulls point the way
over the dunes, a kite
flutters like the teatowel
my mother used to wave
when it was time to come home

Ainsdale 20th August 2019

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